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​小川 加恵 

東京藝術大学古楽科修士課程フォルテピアノ専攻修了。オランダ、デン・ハーグ王立音楽院修士 課程フォルテピアノ科修了。国内外でソリスト、アンサンブル奏者として活動。2009年よりデンハーグピアノ五重奏団(を主宰し、ユトレヒト国際古楽音楽祭(オランダ)、バルセロナ国際古楽音楽祭(スペイン)、サント国際古楽音楽祭(フランス)、アントワープ国際古楽音楽祭(ベルギー)、ヨーク国際古楽音楽祭(イギリス)など、ヨーロッパの主要な古楽音楽祭に招聘されている。


第16 回ファン•ワセナール国際古楽コンクール(オランダ)第1位受賞。国内外においてオリジナル楽器による室内楽の普及に積極的に努め、国内各地の主要コンサートホ ールによる主催公演に多数出演。その他、 テレビ朝日「題名のない音楽会」や NHK-BS プレミアム「クラシック倶楽部」にてデンハーグピアノ五重奏団演奏会〜古楽器で聴く19世紀の響き〜が放送されるなど、メディアへの出演も多数。


She has studied fortepiano in Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in Japan and continued her Master studies at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague.

Recent concerts include performances in Europe and Japan, in the important EarlyMusic
Festivals and venues such asHolland Festival Oude Muziek in Utrecht, Música Antiqva in Spain, Festival de Saintes in France, Laus Polyphoniae in Antwerp,York Early Music Festival in England,and 8th Hamamatsu International Piano Competition in Japan.
She has also appeared at the principal concert halls such as Concertgebouw in Amsterdam,
Muziekgebouw Frits Philips Eindhoven, and de Doelen in Rotterdam.


An active chamber musician, Kae has established her ensemble “Den Haag Piano Quintet”, which performs piano quintet repertoire in the 19th century on period instruments. (
Her ensemble got several awards such as the first prize at the 16th International Van Wassenaer Competition, “IYAP (International Young Artists Presentation) Selected Promising Young Ensemble 2010” in Antwerp, and the finalist of York International Early Music Competition in England in 2011.
She has made winners tour in the Netherlands in 2012-2013 with her ensemble, including 

radio broadcasting by Radio4 (Jong Klassiek).
Her ensemble was also award TY-limited Recording Support Program in Japan and their first CD “19th Century Piano Quintets Vol.1” was released by MA recordings in 2012.

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